A) This sketch shows the fatality rate by event type over time (Quarterly and yearly). Each slice out of the four representing the four quarters of year compares the fatality rate by event types. The whole pie vertical position tells the fatality rate over the years.
B) Time series of fatality rate by the different actors: Compares the fatality rate over time by the different actors.
C) Geographic representation of fatalities by region: Using different shapes or colors to represent fatality rates by each region.
D) Sub region fatalities by the different arm groups: A sketch linked to sketch (C) showing the different fatality by each sub region by the different arm groups.
E) Geographic representation of fatalities by different arm groups. The size of the pies represents the fatalities rate. This pie is sub divided representing the fatalities by each arm group
F) A Network representing the various arm groups as large nodes with small nodes representing the regions. This is is to illustrate if particular regions are of interest to arm groups.
G) Number of attacks by each arm group with the fatality rate. This is to illustrate how deadly is each of group.